James Mack: Journey to becoming a professional South African golfer
15:01:00 15/05/2024

Portrait of South African golfer - James Mack and his journey to becoming a professional.

Where Dreams Begin

James Mack, a professional golfer from South Africa, has been playing golf for over six years. Born in 1998, this young golfer transitioned to the professional level in 2018. The path to becoming a professional golfer is never easy; it demands immense discipline and perseverance, qualities that have helped Mack achieve his current success.

Hailing from Benoni in the East Rand, James Mack embarked on his golfing career at the age of 16. He left his hometown to join the Lee Westwood Golf Academy in England. Mack considers himself fortunate to have had unwavering support from his family, who have always encouraged him in his pursuit of golfing dreams. For Mack, the privilege of playing golf every day is a blessing.

"Persistence reaps rewards." - After just two years, James Mack attained professional status. His passion and dedication caught the attention of coaches. In 2018, Mack took his next step by moving to Germany to kickstart his professional golfing career. In Germany, he honed his skills at the Golfer's Tuned Performance Centre in Eisenach, continuously elevating his game.

Professional golfer James Mack 

Currently, James Mack is also a brand ambassador for the Vietnamese golf fashion brand, Handee Golf Fashion, in South Africa.

The Guiding Light

To pursue a passion wholeheartedly, more than just personal effort is needed; the environment, family, and mentors are crucial for success. In a conversation with Mack, he shared: "My father was a great golfer. I was very lucky to play golf with him. As a child, every Sunday, we would join a tournament called 'The Rough Boys.' It was a community event we organized ourselves, and I would compete alongside my father and his friends, hoping to win trophies and various prizes.

From a young age, I was exposed to golf, and it was a wonderful experience for me. My father never pressured me to become a professional golfer. It was my own choice. He asked me if it was something I truly wanted, and I said yes. It was my passion.

As I grew older and got to know more about golf and its big names, I decided to follow my dream. My father played a big role in my journey. To help me prepare, he found tournaments for me, which gave me the chance to travel and play with top players before I officially turned professional. Thankfully, I succeeded, and I know this wouldn't have been possible without my father's support. He was my biggest motivator and an essential part of my career.

In the early years, my parents supported me both emotionally and financially. I also worked hard, serving as a waiter at a golf resort hotel while attending university. I saved every penny to follow my dream.

James Mack and his father

The Journey to Becoming a Professional Golfer

Since joining the Sunshine Tour in March 2022, Mack has shown his skills by finishing in the top 10 three times, proving himself against top golfers.

In his first season in 2022, Mack faced some challenges. He only played in four tournaments and then had to take a break because of an ankle injury during the summer. This break lasted six months out of the nine he was supposed to play. Despite being advised by therapists, he rushed his recovery to get back to playing tournaments. Unfortunately, he got injured again and had to take another 11 months off. Mack admitted that 2022 wasn't his best season. The 2023 season was his first full season of competition.

In his first season, Mack finished 109th on the final Order of Merit ranking. His persistence and effort paid off with significant improvement in the 2023 season, where he finished 72nd on the money list, showing remarkable progress from his debut season.

Some of Mack's notable achievements in the recent 2023/2024 season include: tied 8th at the FBC Zim Open 2023, tied 5th at the Mediclinic Invitational 2023, tied 8th at the Limpopo Championship 2024, and tied 3rd at the Dimension Data Pro-Am Pre Qualifier 2024. Currently, James Mack has participated in over 40 different tournaments, with his highest ranking on the Official World Golf Ranking (OWGR) being 1251.

Every golfer has memorable tournaments, and James Mack is no exception: “For me, some of the most outstanding events in my career include qualifying for the Bermuda Championship in Bermuda. In my first year, I finished third, and in my second year, I placed 12th. I get invited back every year, making it one of my favorite events. Since joining the Sunshine Tour, I’ve had the chance to participate in six co-sanctioned tournaments with the European Tour and the Challenge Tour. It’s truly amazing because I get to play alongside the big names I admired growing up, warming up next to them and even chatting with them, realizing that they are just regular people like me. We all share the same passion for golf and the desire to reach the top in our careers. In the end, we’re all in the same boat, rowing towards the same goal. It’s truly an incredible experience to compete and share moments with such remarkable individuals.

Golf is a sport that never fails to evoke the sensation of a first-time experience with every swing

Looking back on his journey of pursuing and training for professional golf, James Mack doesn't hesitate to share that he has always considered himself a sports enthusiast, especially when it comes to golf. For Mack, being invited to the Lee Westwood Golf Academy was like a dream come true. From that moment, the path towards becoming a professional golfer seemed clearer than ever before.

The academy was not only a place to train outstanding golfers but also a place that motivated and inspired Mack. The coaches at the Lee Westwood Golf Academy helped Mack develop the necessary qualities to become a professional golfer. Mack confidently shares that he has never regretted his decision. It's a journey he's always been proud of.

For him, golf is a very interesting sport. Each swing carries with it the excitement of a novice, the thrill of a first-time experience. It's a sensation every golfer relentlessly pursues—the sense of freshness within the familiarity of the course, day in and day out. The more we practice, the better we become every day.

Spreading the Flame of Passion to the Younger Generation

Born in 1998, the golfer has a few words of advice for the younger generations of the South African, Vietnamese, and international golf community, especially for those who are passionate about golf and aspire to pursue it professionally but are unsure where to start: "My sincere advice to you is to stay patient and trust the process. Your time will come, and if you put in enough effort, all your hard work will pay off. There's no need to rush or force yourself. Everyone has their own journey, and they reach their destination at different times in life. Whether your time comes early or late, you will get there if you dedicate yourself wholeheartedly.

Enjoy every moment of this journey. We are fortunate to work outdoors, travel the world, and meet new people. Embrace these experiences fully because one day, when you look back, you'll wish to relive those moments. Cherish the memories, treasure your family, and seize every opportunity you can."

Professional golfer James Mack, Quintin Wilsnach and Stefan Wears-Taylor had a practice session with junior Vietnamese golfers in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Hà Linh